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Copyright And Citation Policy

Strivenn "Materials" (as defined below) made available through our products, services, public websites, or other publications and distributions are proprietary to Strivenn and subject to copyright and other intellectual property protections, regardless of where and how they are referenced. This policy describes permissible use of Strivenn Materials, when Strivenn consent is required, and the process for requesting such consent.

This policy applies to any entity or individual that gets access to Strivenn Materials. This policy also applies to any third-party that writes about and/or promotes Strivenn Materials, including alliance partners and distributors. Strivenn reserves the right to change this policy at any time, without notice. This policy is for general information purposes only, and Strivenn reserves the right to deny any and all uses of any of its Materials at its sole discretion.


General Requirements

Strivenn “Materials” include any and all documents, information, content, research, training manuals, templates, technical reports, report formats, research data, product and assessment content (including survey or test content and scoring protocols), websites, and/or any other materials developed, owned, and/or provided by Strivenn, or its affiliates.

  • Materials made available through our products may be used in their entirety for the internal business purposes of registered Strivenn clients. In these instances, Strivenn clients do not require advance approval from Strivenn to share the Materials to employees in their organization.
  • Use of Materials made available through our products outside of a registered Strivenn client company requires advance, written approval by Strivenn.
  • Use of Materials by any third-party contractor requires advance, written approval by Strivenn, even if the third-party contractor services a Strivenn client.
  • Materials received through subscriptions, products, or services are subject to the usage requirements detailed below and as set forth in the written agreement between the Strivenn client and Strivenn, Strivenn distributor or affiliate.
  • Limited Materials are made available on our public websites and blogs. These Materials may be used for non-commercial purposes without advance permission from Strivenn, with proper citation to Strivenn and in accordance with the rules governing use below.


Rules Governing Use

  • Strivenn must be cited as the source of any Materials in accordance with the citation requirements in this policy.
  • Any commercial use of Materials or the content within any Materials is prohibited without advance, written approval by Strivenn.
  • Full reproduction of our Materials is prohibited. Reprints of non–publicly available Materials may be made available for purchase.
  • Use of our Materials must be limited in scope, and excerpts must be lifted verbatim in their entirety and appear accurately with all relevant context. Paraphrasing is not allowed.
  • Use of Materials, excerpts, and/or citations must not:
    • endorse or appear to endorse a client, product, or service;
    • be used to compare companies, products, or services; or
    • mention specific companies, products, or services.

Permission must be requested to use or reproduce logo, trademarks, or service marks except as presented in the original Materials without alteration for use within a client company.


Copyright and Citation Requirements

In general, if you are uncertain of proper citation for a particular use, please seek approval.

For permitted use of Materials within a client company, the Strivenn copyright notice must appear on each page as it originally appeared, and it may not be removed or altered.

For permitted use of Materials that are made available on our public websites and blogs, the copyright notice must appear on each page as it originally appeared, and it may not be removed or altered.

For content properly excerpted from Materials, Strivenn must be cited.


Request for Permission

  • Contact the Strivenn team at info@strivenn.com
  • Provide the following information and attachments:
  • A description of the organization or individual requesting permission
  • The Materials or the content within any Materials you wish to use in context of the material where it will appear
  • The original source with excerpted content highlighted
  • A description of the audience, communication objective, and vehicle
  • The date(s) and, if applicable, venue of use
  • We will reply via e-mail within five to seven business days.