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Strivenn Thinking 

Marketing Strategy

Navigating the Shift to AI Search

By Strivenn

Remember the good old days? The days when search marketing was dominated by questions about how to balance spending between organic and paid search.  


AI-powered tools like Search GPT, Perplexity.ai, Bing's ChatGPT integration and Google's AI snippets and Gemini are redefining how users interact with information, and the implication for marketers is clear: adapting to this shift is no longer optional. Indeed, during her keynote at the opening of Inbound 2024, Yamini Rangan, CEO of HubSpot, predicted that AI search will reduce traditional search volume itself to decline by 25% by 2026.


Senior marketing leaders tasked with shaping their strategies for 2025 must address how AI is changing customer journeys, decision-making processes, and the overall search and information gathering experience.



Impact on the Customer Journey

AI is fundamentally reshaping how customers navigate the buying process, making it crucial for marketers to understand this evolving landscape. Let’s break down how AI is influencing each stage of the customer journey.


Awareness Stage

Traditional keyword searches would historically lead customers to a list of links to content or commerce opportunities about products and services delivered by a range of suppliers. While branding has always played a key role on what links people would actually click on, there were ways to ensure your brand would appear towards the top of the search results listing page along with recommendations and reviews.


AI search engines deliver a very different experience, with answers that are more personalised and contextual based on user behavior. AI tools understand intent, not just search terms, and could in time come to recommend products before users even realize they need them.

This means marketers must spend more time on brand building and capture user attention early by ensuring their content is optimized for AI-driven platforms. Focusing on answering specific customer pain points and delivering tailored, value-driven content in conversational formats is crucial to standing out in AI-generated results.


Consideration Stage

While customers are considering their options, AI enhances the customer's ability to compare products and gather information. Features like visual search, voice assistants, and AI-powered chatbots streamline this phase, enabling customers to explore detailed product comparisons, reviews, and specifications without navigating multiple websites.

Marketers need to invest in making their product information easily accessible to AI-driven queries. Additionally, incorporating AI-driven chatbots on websites can provdie a seamless and interactive research experience, offering customers the information they need in real-time.


Decision Stage

AI can heavily influence the final purchase decision through personalized offers and dynamic pricing. Based on browsing habits, purchase history, and even real-time user behaviour, AI tools can recommend products at just the right moment, offer tailored discounts, or optimize pricing strategies to match customer preferences.


In combination with Personality AI, those offers can be delivered using messaging and tonality tailored to the individual recipient, their needs, and personality profile!


Benefits for Businesses

AI-powered search isn’t just changing customer behaviour; it’s delivering measurable benefits to businesses that embrace it. Here are some of the key advantages:


  • Improved conversion rates: AI can guide customers through their journey more effectively, offering real-time recommendations and reducing friction in the buying process. This personalized guidance can result in higher conversions.
  • Enhanced customer experience: AI-driven insights help marketers deliver hyper-relevant content, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. By anticipating customer needs, AI tools create smoother, more intuitive experiences.
  • Valuable insights into customer behaviour: AI doesn’t just react to customer interactions; it analyses them. This data can reveal patterns and trends that marketers can use to refine their strategies, ensuring they stay ahead of changing buyer expectations.
  • Optimized inventory and pricing strategies: AI-powered tools can analyse demand patterns and adjust inventory levels or pricing in real-time, ensuring that businesses are agile and responsive to market changes.


Challenges and Considerations

Despite its benefits, AI-driven search poses challenges that senior marketers need to address:


  • Data privacy and security: With AI systems processing massive amounts of customer data, privacy and security concerns are at an all-time high. Marketers must ensure their AI tools comply with GDPR and other data protection regulations to avoid costly fines and damage to their brand’s reputation.
  • Algorithmic bias: AI systems are only as unbiased as the data they’re trained on. If not monitored, they can perpetuate biases, leading to skewed recommendations or unfair targeting. Marketers must ensure that human oversight is part of their AI strategy to maintain ethical standards.
  • The need for human oversight: While AI can analyse data and automate decisions, human input is critical in overseeing strategy, ensuring personalisation stays authentic, and preventing misalignment with customer values.

Adapting Marketing Strategies for AI Search

As AI continues to reshape search behaviours, marketers must adapt their strategies to align with this new reality.


Content Optimization for AI

Marketers need to optimize their content for natural language processing (NLP) systems. Traditional SEO strategies must evolve to focus on answering long-tail queries and conversational search phrases. Content should be structured around common customer questions, with clear, concise answers that AI can surface easily.


AI-Friendly SEO Techniques

To rank well in AI-driven search, it’s essential to implement schema markup, which helps AI better understand your website’s content. Optimizing for voice search and ensuring your content addresses the “how” and “why” of customer queries is key to staying visible in AI search results.


AI-Supported Loyalty and Engagement

AI-powered platforms can help organisations engage with customers after a purchase, recommending helpful content, complementary products, automating follow-ups, and enhancing customer service with AI-driven chatbots. In addition, AI-driven loyalty programs can adapt to customer behaviours, offering dynamic rewards based on customer preferences and engagement patterns.


Measuring Success in an AI-Driven Search Era

The success of AI-driven search strategies must be measured using new metrics.


Tracking AI search performance: Metrics such as user engagement times, interaction rates from AI-generated results, and conversion rates based on personalized recommendations should be top of mind.


Leveraging AI analytics: AI can provide deeper insights into customer behaviour, giving marketers a clearer picture of what content resonates and what areas need improvement.


Preparing for 2025 and Beyond

The shift to AI-powered search is inevitable, and marketers who adapt early will be best positioned to thrive in 2025. By focusing on optimising content for AI, enhancing personalization, and balancing human oversight with AI insights, you can ensure your business stays competitive in this new era of AI search.

Looking further to future, the combination of augmented reality (AR) and AI will allow customers to virtually interact with products before purchase - providing a virtual try-before-you-buy experience, Hyper-personalization AI will continue to evolve enabling businesses to provide tailored experiences for every customer based on their context and history.


Perhaps most excitingly (or scarily?) predictive AI tool may be able to offer insights into customer behaviour before they happen, enabling proactive marketing strategies.